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Basque Fest

abril 13, 2023 - abril 17, 2023

Basque Fest-Bilbao-Skybarcino

Basque Fest

Basque Fest, the Basque Festival of Culture and Avant-garde, is held to coincide with Easter. This event seeks to discover a new way of feeling and living Basque culture, through tradition, personality, innovation, talent and creativity. Its goal is to consolidate Bilbao as a cosmopolitan city, open to the world, while at the same time promoting its history and traditions.

The programme of events, which are held at various places in the city, includes an extensive repertoire of artistic activities and expressions, such as: exhibitions, dance, street theatre, children’s entertainment, crafts, concerts, display and sale of Basque design, gastronomy, as well as traditional sports (pala, rowing and jai alai).


abril 13, 2023
abril 17, 2023
Categorías del Evento:
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Etiquetas del Evento:


Everywhere in the Sevilla
Sevilla, Spain