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Easter in Bilbao

abril 6, 2023 - abril 10, 2023

Bilbao Easter-Skybarcino

Easter in Bilbao

Most of the processions that pass along the streets of Bilbao during Easter start at the church of the Santos Juanes, situated in the old quarter of Bilbao.

This is the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Santa Vera Cruz (Sacred Holy Cross), one of the most famous processions in Bilbao, created in 1554 in memory of the great flood that devastated Bilbao on September 14 1553.

In the processions you can see floats of inestimable historical importance, such as the so-called Cristo de la Villa de Bilbao, a creation of the religious image maker Juan de Mesa, in 1590.

Without doubt, the centre of attention during Easter week in Vizcaya is Balmaseda, some 40 km from Bilbao, where it is interesting to witness the living Vía Crucis pageant, the most important in Spain.



abril 6, 2023
abril 10, 2023
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